
Hello all.  Welp, I am in an oasis of internet access here for a
few days.  Maya and I arrived safely in Searcy, and have
spent the morning visiting–mostly with my dearest sister.  We’re
in her dorm room right now.  Maya has just finished a lunch of
Sarah’s cheese.  Now she is sitting on the bed squealing and
rocking back and forth …and stealing Sara’s glasses.  She had
her 12 month well baby appointment today.  (Maya, not
Sarah.)  The Dr. told me she’s perfect.  I told him thanks,
but I already knew that and could I have my 64 dollars back. 
We’re going to leave for Kansas tonight, I think, around 7, so that we
can drive while babies are sleeping.  I’m really excited to see my
family, and then my friends in York, but I miss my husband-boy.  I
love you husband boy.  (end mush).