
Hello to my ever vigilant Xanga subscribers.  I am terribly
sorry for the excessive time that has elapsed since my last post. 
It can’t be helped though…it’s pretty hard to corrall a 11 month old
in a public library long enough to post a post.  And I might be
able to use my husbands office to post from, if only I knew where my
husband’s office was.  Seriously. 

All is pretty dang well here, it’s about to storm, and we all know how I feel about thunderstorms. 

Here is an interesting thing about Baton Rouge: Love Bugs. 
Now, I may be the only person in the universe who was oblivious to the
existence of such creatures, but in case I’m not, let me tell you:
Nasty.  Seriously, there’s all these icky little black wingy
squggly bugs flying aroung all everywhere having sex.  I’m not
even kidding.  Mating, right on my front door, or my windshield or
*shudder* my leg.  They fly around and land on things all attached
to each other, with no regard for common decency.  Ugh.

In other news, Maya is, of course, still gorgeous, and now she likes
to eat cheese.  She can also clap, and is getting the hang of
cause and effect (i.e.  If I yank on these curtains mom will come
move me to the other side of the room…unless of course, I look so
unbelievably cute doing it that she is paralyzed with awe.  Also,
stuff like, if I push the big blue button on this toy (that thankfully
doesn’t belong to us) it will make music and light up.)  She is my
joy.  Well, she and the boy.

All my love.