
So. I am still here. Are you?
So is Poppy. She is approaching lemon-sized now. We have decided not to find out his or her gender before the birth. (The venue of said birth is yet to be determined– it’ll either be the local free standing birth center or here at home with a really cool midwife…we shall see.) He’s still making me sick. I have had some better days though– I’ve been cooking again some, which I enjoy, but which requires a lot of energy. My family has been patient.

We have started homeschooling– after a fashion. I bought Sonlight PreK curriculum, and it’s pretty good, but I apparently underestimated my daughter. We skip several days in a row, and then make them all up in one morning. I intend to double up and finish this by Christmas, and start Ambleside, which is a free Charlotte Mason curriculum that I found online. ( ) Good stuff.

My brain is still more or less fried. I hope to be back soonish– we’ll see what the second trimester brings.