Sometimes, before I wrestled, I listened to loud angry music. I see you have chosen a different route for birth. This is good. However, having never given birth, I feel at a loss to advise you in this matter.
You know how I am…I have to ask: Are you saying someone needs to give birth to this music? That you would like to give birth to this music?? Would Music To Give Birth By have been a more precise? And might I suggest, “Happy Birthday To You” either the traditional version or the Beatles’ classic–or maybe Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” or “Born To Run” or possibly “Born Free” or my personal favorite, Steppenwolf’s “Born To Be Wild”
Zeer0th | 01-Jul-06 at 11:13 am | Permalink
Sometimes, before I wrestled, I listened to loud angry music. I see you have chosen a different route for birth. This is good. However, having never given birth, I feel at a loss to advise you in this matter.
dmprice | 02-Aug-06 at 10:42 am | Permalink
Music To Give Birth To
You know how I am…I have to ask: Are you saying someone needs to give birth to this music? That you would like to give birth to this music?? Would Music To Give Birth By have been a more precise? And might I suggest, “Happy Birthday To You” either the traditional version or the Beatles’ classic–or maybe Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA” or “Born To Run” or possibly “Born Free” or my personal favorite, Steppenwolf’s “Born To Be Wild”