
So my daughter decided that every forty five mintues was how often
she wanted to eat ALL night last night.  I took her swimming
Wednesday, and she seems to have developed a runny nose.  While
she presents no other symptoms, apparently the snotty nose makes her
cranky.   Did you know there’s a very distinct sound that
snot makes when being smeared all over a baby face with pudgy little
hands?  Kind of a sticky slimy sound.  Oh man.  I just
can’t wipe her nose often enough.  But even in this pathetic
state, she is still the cutest baby ever.  Today, she discovered
the best thing in the world: the Baton Rouge phonebook.  Oh
man.  It’s as big as she is, and she discovered the wonderful
ripping sound a page makes when you yank on it.  She’s almost to
“Hansen” now.  Baton Rouge residents rended lay all over our
floor. But dang, it makes her happy.  And I figure we’ll get a new
phone book when we hook up our landline.  (this one is the
one the nice apartment manager gave us when we went to look at our
apartment.  nice girl.  her name is Mindie.) 

In other news:

We met cool people at church last night. 

I love it here because it storms a lot. 

Tomorrow we get our apartment key. 

I have been making dinner in the crock pot all week.