
The Wylie family reunion has come and gone.  As always, it was
a jumble of Wylie fun, and as always, I came home pretty
exhausted.  You might think that saying “as always” would be
silly, as I have only been a Wylie for two years, and therefore, you
might assume that this was only my second reunion.  However, you
would be wrong.  This was, in fact, my fourth Wylie reunion. 
The first one I attended during the infamous (and poorly named) “just
friends” stage in our relationship.  The second I attended as the
intended of Mr. Tim Wylie, sans Tim Wylie (who was out galavanting all
over Europe and Africa).  Last year, of course, I was carting
around a Maya-belly, and this year, I was carting around a free
standing Maya.  (And by free standing, I mean independant of my
organs and body, not free standing in the sense that she can, in fact,
stand).  Anyhow.  Fun times.  I ate waaaaaaaaaay too
many M&Ms though.  Holy cow. 

Now, I’m back in dear ol Searcy, scrambling frantically to pack up
all of our earthly possessions so that we can truck them down to our
teeny tiny baton rougian apartment.  You’ve seen circus cars with
clowns in them…yeah, it’ll be like that.  We have less than 700
square feet.  BUT, it has forced us to (yay) get rid of some
stuff.  Woo-hoo for less stuff. 

In Maya news: she can wave now.  I’m fairly certain she doesn’t
know the actual meaning of waving, but if you wave at her she’ll wave
back.  Along those same lines, if you say “uh-oh” to her, she’ll
say “uh-oh” or “uh-ahh” or some other variation.  Cute, I say!


Maya in a
Maya in a Box