
So. Here’s some knews. (Yes, I know.) My sweet husband-boy is hurted. His arms have been hurting off and on for about a year…with progressing severity. He has \ started physical therapy, and made some changes in his office environment (chair height, back support, new keyboard…) but it appears that these steps were too little, too late. Last Friday, while he was working, a blood vessel burst in his hand. We learned (at the twp-hundred-dollar-a-pop, walk-in, after-hours clinic) that the fancy word for that is hematoma. Wheee. Anyway…his boss (wisely) asked him not to come back until he’s consulted with (another) orthopedic doctor…and the soonest we could get in to see one is the 24th. It turns out that RSI (repetitive strain injury) is pretty serious…his first therapist suggested a full month off work…we shall see. We’re going to transfer him to a “hand specialist” therapist…hopefully get him all better. Right now, he can’t use a computer at all, drive, pick up the kids, close/open jars….you get the picture.

Anyhow. We’d gratefully accept any prayers and/or new sets of hands you’d like to send our way.

Also, baby girl is sick.

Next time, I shall post something happier.