
a peek

We got to see Poppy today.  It was amazing.  I am so much less aware of this pregnancy than I was of the last two– each time, I guess, I’m exponentially more busy with the external kiddos.  But there he was, all his parts where they were supposed to be and doing what they were supposed to do.  He’s very laid back, but he did wave at us a couple of times.  Also, we saw why I haven’t been able to feel him as much as the last two…his fat placenta is stuck right in the front in the middle of his little nest, so in order for me to feel him he has to kick through it.  And, he was very modest.  So at this point not even the tech knows if he’s a he or a she.  Which is fine with us, as we want it to be a surprise.

We also had a nice meeting with the newest midwife Anne.  She was very giggly.  And I was able to ask about some things that I have been nervous about– such as “Are you going to freak out when I refuse the pre-natal rhogam (or the standard newborn interventions)?”  It went well, and I’m feeling more confident about birthing there– though homebirthing isn’t out of the question at this point either.


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happy sigh

A Vagabond Song
There is something in the autumn that is native to my blood —
Touch of manner, hint of mood;
And my heart is like a rhyme,
With the yellow and crimson keeping time.

The scarlet of the maples can shake me like a cry
Of bugles going by.
And my lonely spirit thrills
To see the frosty asters like a smoke upon the hills.

There is something in October sets the gypsy blood astir;
We must rise and follow her,
When from every hill of flame
She calls and calls each vagabond by name.
—- Bliss Carman


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A poem



The Autumn leaves flutter

like prayers in a Tibetan wheel

and I am a monk, sitting among them in a carmine robe

tracing your thoughts with my fingers.


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Happy Birthday, Maya!

making frosting

blowing out candles

opening gifts




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